
Inspiring others in the voluntary and community sector to sustainability

Our Clients

Our clients past and recent in the charity, non-profit and voluntary sector

Recent  clients

All our clients past and present

Alauddin Siddiqui Trust

The mission of the organization is to serve as a conduit for the charitable donations of Zakat, Sadqaat, and Khairaat and use these funds to alleviate poverty and suffering in our communities. Our efforts aim to continue the mission of Pir Alauddin Siddiqui (Alayhi Rahma) and assist those in need, and also promote social justice and equality  

Camden Black and Minority Ethnic Alliance

Camden Black & Minority Ethnic Alliance (Camden BME Alliance) is an umbrella organisation that seeks to represent the voice of Camden's BME community and voluntary sector at local policy-making level.  

Camden Cypriot Women’s Organisation

Camden Cypriot Women's Organisation (CCWO) is a Drop in centre, which promotes the welfare of Greek Cypriot women and their families. CCWO provides advice, information and social activities for women of all ages. Also housebound and advocacy projects, needs assessments, massage and aromatherapy sessions.

Cara Trust

Cara Trust aim is to reduce the impact of HIV through providing support, information, advocacy and advice to people living with, or affected by, the virus, and by undertaking training and education to the wider spiritual and faith communities.

CARAF Centre – Camden Black Parents and Teachers Association

The CARAF Centre (Camden Black Parents and Teachers Association) provides advice, information and support to Black and other parents in Camden on social, educational, training and other related issues that affect Black children and their families. Other services include: a range of training workshops for parents, a play scheme for children 5-12 and the Mandela Supplementary School.

Charities Aid Foundation

The Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)  is a registered charity that works to create greater value for charities and social enterprise.

Communities Into Training and Employment (CITE)

Communities Into Training and Employment (CITE) seeks to improve career prospects of people disadvantaged in the labour market. Assisting unemployed people secure employment as Health Care assistants, Emergency Medical Dispatchers, Patient Transport Service Drivers, Advertising Executives, Security and Hospital and Catering.

Empower Teachers Ltd

Empower Teachers is a teacher training and recruitment agency with over twenty years experience. The company supplies teaching staff to schools, colleges, education establishments and public sector organisations in the United Kingdom. Empower Teachers provides staff for daily supply, long term cover, Special Education Needs, English as an Additional Language, Modern Foreign Languages, Learning Support Assistants, Classroom Assistants and NNEBs.

EqualiTeam Lewisham

EqualiTeam works to challenge inequality experienced by African and Caribbean ethnic groups and individuals across Lewisham by providing information and guidance; assessing the equality performance of organisations and supporting them to improve; gathering, analysing, and publishing equality data, monitoring the impact and effectiveness of services.


The Esforal School exists to teach Spanish and increase awareness of Latin American culture. Spanish classes are held at St Mary's school (Kings Cross) every Saturday for children aged 3-16 years, Spanish classes for adults, translation service.

Hackney Training and Employment Network

Set up in 1997, Hackney Training and Employment Network (HTEN) is an umbrella organisation with 60 members from the voluntary and community training, employment and business support sector.

Havering Association for people with Disabilities

Havering Association for People with Disabilities (H.A.D) provide a broad range of services and activities for People with Physical Disabilities and Carers in the London Borough of Havering with the object of improving their quality of life, promote independence and meet their physical, emotional and recreational needs.      

Holy Cross Centre Trust

The Holy Cross Centre Trust is a small yet dynamic organisation based in King’s Cross, London. They work with people who are socially excluded in a variety of ways in Camden and Islington.  

InterChange Trust

InterChange Trust has provided a range of innovative programmes to the community for 30 years.

Kings Cross Brunswick Neighbourhood Association

Established in 1980, King’s Cross-Brunswick Neighbourhood Association (KCBNA) is the community’s response to the needs of the residents of the King’s Cross and Brunswick area. They aim is to improve the quality of life of local residents through the active involvement of people living in the King’s Cross and Brunswick area of the London Borough of Camden.


Lifecraft is a user-led mental health organisation based in Cambridge. Founded in 1993 as a space for people with mental health issues to offer each other mutual support Lifecraft continues to grow and evolve in response to the diverse and changing needs of its Members.

London Borough of Camden

Comprising almost 22 square kilometres in the heart of London, Camden is a borough of di-versity and contrasts. Business centres such as Holborn, Euston and Tottenham Court Road contrast with exclusive residential dis- tricts in Hampstead and Highgate, thriving Belsize Park, the open spaces of Hampstead Heath, Parliament Hill and Kenwood, the youthful energy of Camden Town, subdivided houses in [...]

London Business College

London Business College is conveniently located in Woolwich, in the historical surroundings of Greenwich. London Business College delivers educational and vocational training courses to both international and local students. Vocational courses have ben delivered through Train To Gain and Learn Direct.

London College of Beauty Therapy

London College of Beauty Therapy (LCBT) was established in 1995 and has an extensive and successful track record and experience of developing and delivering high quality training and employment projects. LCBT is the Centre of Vocational Excellence (CoVE) for Beauty Therapy, Beauty Retail and Holistic Care and the market leader in training and development, providing 30% of London’s training in [...]

Park Royal Partnership

The Park Royal Partnership (PRP) was formed in 1992 by large companies based in Park Royal and the three London Boroughs of Ealing, Brent and Hammersmith & Fulham. The Park Royal Partnership Group is a privately owned urban regeneration and inward investment agency, committed to the promotion of the economic and environmental sustainability of Park Royal, Europe’s largest industrial estate. [...]

Platanos Foundation

Platanos Foundation is set up to promote the education (including social and physical training) of people, and in particular current and past pupils of Platanos College and their families, in Lambeth, and neighbouring boroughs as appropriate, in such ways as the charity trustees think fit. The Platanos Foundation will provide activities and services to the local community, which includes current [...]

Platanos Innovations CIC

Platanos Innovations Community Interest Company (CIC) was established to benefit the people and the local community who live, work and or run a business in Lambeth, London. The CIC will work to enable local people and the community to develop ways to support existing independent businesses, thereby protecting the local economy, retaining money within the local economy, safeguarding jobs and [...]

Q1 Foundation

Q1 Foundation was set up in response to the founder seeing a real gap in provision of care in our community, where people were unable to afford private care and didn’t know what support was available to them. The charity aims to provide information and support to all adults in our area, ensuring they get all the help and information [...]

Rainham Asian Education & Cultural Society

Our mission is to provide a central and accessible place for the benefit of the local community of Rainham and the neighbourhood, in a common effort to advance education and to provide facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation and leisure time occupation with the objective of improving the conditions of life for the residents.


RoadPeace was founded in 1992 by Brigitte Chaudhry after her 26 year-old son was killed by a red light offender. It was set up in response to the desperate need of road crash victims for timely information, immediate and long-term support and practical help with legal proceedings. Formed in February 1992. RoadPeace had its public launch on 7 April 1993, [...]

Somali Community Centre

Somali Community Centre provides information, advice, advocacy and outreach services to the Somali speaking community in Camden and surrounding areas.

Somali Supplementary Schools Association

Somali Supplementary Schools Association (SSSA) supports a network of supplementary schools for young Somali people. SSSA also helps to develop new ones and look at long-term sustainability of the schools and aims to raise the educational achievement of young Somali people.

Somali Youth Development Resource Centre

Somali Youth Development Resource Centre (SYDRC) was established in September 2000 as a federation of 5 main Somali organisations in the London borough of Camden.

Soomal Education & Development Agency Camden

Soomal Education & Development Agency Camden (SEDAC) seeks to improve career prospects of people disadvantages in the labour market by helping them develop skills, experience and confidence in order to increase employability and to progress to sustainable and quality employment.

Stuart Low Trust

The Stuart Low Trust mission is to ensure that local people, especially those experiencing social isolation or mental distress, have access to the range of facilities they need to successfully manage their lives.  

Sudanese Women’s Association

Sudanese Women's Association is a non-profit organisation established primarily to serve Sudanese women and children in exile, to relieve poverty, preserve culture, and improve the opportunities and future prospects of Sudanese women and children, and to effectively promote integration into the host community, through offering a range of services.

The Barakat Trust

The Barakat Trust supports the study and preservation of art, architecture, archaeology, art, heritage, and culture within the Islamic World, by funding archaeological excavations, museum exhibitions, studentships, academic research, publications, digitisation, conservation, conferences, public engagement work, and more. The Barakat Trust is an international non-political, non-religious, non-sectarian and independent charity based in the United Kingdom.

The New Haven Refuge Wolverhampton

The Haven Wolverhampton supports women and dependent children who are vulnerable to domestic violence, homelessness and abuse. Set up in 1973, The Haven Wolverhampton is a charitable organisation which provides both practical and emotional support services to women and children who are affected by domestic violence and homelessness. The Haven Wolverhampton is one of the largest refuge providers in the UK. [...]

Umoja Health Forum

Improving the quality of life experienced by all African communities, particularly those affected by long-term health conditions

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