Peterborough Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) have been supported by Inspiracion to fundraise £9K from Santander Foundation for the development of training materials and resources for volunteer advice workers at Peterborough CAB
Peterborough Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) fundraise £9K
By Mick Denton|2017-06-28T10:43:03+00:00December 5th, 2012|Fundraising, Latest News|Comments Off on Peterborough Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) fundraise £9K
About the Author: Mick Denton
Mick has over 30 years of experience in the public and voluntary sector, supporting a wide range of voluntary organisations and groups to achieve future sustainability. He has 20 years of consultancy advice experience related to organisational and strategic development of charities and social enterprises, enabling them to achieve their full potential through engagement, facilitation and strategic planning as well as a focus on change and transformation management.
Mick is a Full Certificated Member MInstF (Cert) of the professional body, the Institute of Fundraising, Member of the Consultants for Good network and Lloyds Bank Foundation consultant. He has a Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Professional Diploma in Management from the Open University Business School, UK.